Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Wealth from within

Today won't be my usual post with an investment centric theme. Rather I'd like to talk about wealth.

As i got off the bus and was walking home today, a cat meowed at me and followed me. I soon realised it was because of the pepperoni pizza in a plastic bag that i held. The cat tailed me uncomfortably close for a distance of about 15m, it made long purrs and i could sense its desire. It was almost saying 'I'm really hungry and desperate'. Desperate was really the word. Upon, closer scrutiny it was aged somewhere between a kitten and an adult cat, but the most noticeable thing was that it was visibly really skinny, so much so that it's body was long and thin, almost like a daschund dog. I was tired, hungry, with my mind still buzzing from work. In my mind i had a fleeting thought that the cat would attack me out of hunger so i quickly walked and at the same time thought this hungry cat was none of my concern. So eventually, the cat stopped and continued its purrs as our distance widened. 

Over dinner, there were some thoughts that came into my mind about the issue and it didn't make me feel that good. So i went back with a bun hoping to give the cat some food but it was gone.

The whole situation reminded me of the poor and destitute. And I just want to remind myself by logging this down that, one day in future, if i do become rich, and no matter if i'm busy, tired, i should never forget about the less fortunate, especially those around me and try to help them. Whether in the form of time, voluntary work, or monetary aid.

That is wealth from within. Not just numbers in the account, but real wealth.


  1. touching article. set me thinking...and made me feel guilty too!!

    SG Web Reviews

  2. Hi Greatsage, yours is the first comment i've had since i started this blog! Thanks's for the encouragement
